Flat earth theory debunked
Flat earth theory debunked

They need serious mental health intervention. They don't need any more publicity for their stupidity. You'll only alienate love ones and drive yourself insane, while lining the pockets of weirdos like this guy. Stay away from Flat Earth and this movie. Eric is a known scam artist who has the most annoying voice of anyone I've ever heard in my entire life. It only gets worse and worse the more you "look into it"(as Eddie Bravo always says) the more you'll wonder how these people are even still alive, and what deep trauma filled issues they have inside themselves that make them think this is okay to believe. If your first reaction to flat earth is to want to barf, then that's the proper reaction for something as asinine as this. This movie, like Eric Dubays other videos, loosely connects a wide range of video clips and quotes taken out of context in order to persuade the viewer that this is a legitimate conspiracy theory(hint: it's not) and that the government and science as a whole, is lying to us. Grifters and mental patients seem to flock to the idea that they have some sort of special knowledge.

flat earth theory debunked

The arguments made for a flat earth have been debunked over and over again on the very same medium that it gained traction on- YouTube.

flat earth theory debunked

It's hard to tell if Eric Dubay is intentionally lying, or if he's truly deceived and just literally insane.

Flat earth theory debunked