Raid shadow legends errol mastery
Raid shadow legends errol mastery

raid shadow legends errol mastery

Scyl’s reckless courage led her to many victories over the course of several years, but it almost cost her everything as well.

raid shadow legends errol mastery

In due time, she rose to command a small band of young warriors of her own, which grew along with her reputation. She bested all of her peers and many opponents older and more experienced by the time she came of age, swiftly taking her place among the raiding parties and earning her share of glory in uncompromising hit-and-run attacks against Orcs, the Undead, and Knight Revenant parties venturing into the Deadlands. The Disciples were not numerous, so any fresh blood was welcome among their warriors, and Scyl had proven herself both capable and passionate. In turn, she was sworn into the troupe’s service, though it soon became apparent that Scyl’s talents lay not in cleaning and cooking and tending to the myriad everyday needs of the camp, but rather in the art of battle. They brought the girl to their hideout and nursed her back to health.

raid shadow legends errol mastery

The Disciples of the Drake, a dragon-worshipping troupe of outcasts and exiles, found Scyl when she had already lost consciousness from dehydration and hunger.

raid shadow legends errol mastery

She should have died there, but providence intervened. Scyl alone managed to escape, but she was merely a child trapped in the Deadlands with nary a hope of survival. Once, Scyl was nothing more than a terrified girl, orphaned by ruthless Knight Revenant cultists who razed her home village to the ground and slaughtered its inhabitants. Her foes reel and break, unable to match her fury, while her allies find themselves invigorated in her presence, their fatigue and pain banished by the blessings of the Phoenix. Her ranseur glittering in the sunlight as it whistles through the air in brutal swipes and swings, her dragonscale cloak billowing behind her, Scyl cuts and imposing image worthy of a true Warrior Queen. Scyl of the Drakes is a terrifying force to behold on the battlefield.

Raid shadow legends errol mastery